giving up

Day 394: Faltering at the End

Day 394: Faltering at the End

It is much easier to stick with what we know than to chart a new course and change dysfunctional behaviors. When you’re used to getting a response by acting a certain way, the tendency is to continue to act that way because you get results.

If you’re in a married relationship, I expect that you’ve detected patterns in how you disagree, where you compromise (where you won’t), as well as how you navigate change.

Day 136: When You Want to Give Up

Day 136: When You Want to Give Up

There will be days when you will want to give up and feel weak and tired. There will be times when you are looking at the changes in your life and question whether you are on the right path.

As kids, we had hardships and experienced difficult times from our alcoholic and dysfunctional upbringings. We often carry a lot of guilt, pain, and fear that are triggered when we encounter difficult times in the present.