
Netflix Limited Series Maid Is a Masterpiece That Sparked Many Memories of My Own Childhood

I finished watching the Netflix series Maid (based off of Stephanie Land’s Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive). Yes, the situations that the young woman goes through were triggering and difficult to watch, but I found the series to contain so much truth and hope.

There’s a scene in which the little 3-year-old is waiting to be picked up by her father (who struggles with alcoholism) and watching that scene brought me back to when I was 5-years-old waiting for my father to pick me up after my mom and he divorced.

Day 268: Dealing with a Parent Who Is an Alcoholic

Day 268: Dealing with a Parent Who Is an Alcoholic

I’ve heard all sorts of stories over the years, and it’s pretty much the same thing. A child of an alcoholic dreads going home for the holidays or taking in an alcoholic parent when they get older.

Time and time again, the person tries their best to move on with their life, but eventually gets sucked back into the drama, the dysfunction, and chaos. How do you interact with your alcoholic parent?