Start with Loving Yourself

If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend that you begin with learning to love yourself. I grew up in a dysfunctional family. There was emotional abusive, violence, as well as excessive drinking and drugs. As a kid, I lived through all of that.

And as I grew older, I felt great shame for what I had lived through.

I wanted to find a way to cast off what I had lived through and I figured that if I just ignored it that I would feel better. I knew that I wanted to be happy and live a better life, but I had no clue how to do that.

I didn’t know where to begin.

If you’re lost and you’re trying to figure out where to go, I recommend starting the journey by learning to love yourself.

You are not broken, damaged, and unworthy.

You may have been told that you are many of those things (and worse), but that doesn’t make any of that true.

The process of learning to love yourself can take some time. Unlearning and changing the negative voice inside might not be easy.

But you are not alone.

If you want to start the journey, check out the free podcasts. They’re a great guide to help you on your way.