Let Go and Be Free Podcast: Episode 72 (Let’s Review the Other Laundry List: Item #3)

This week we discuss the third Other Laundry list item:

"We frighten people with our anger and threat of belittling criticism."

Some of us use a strong offense as a way to protect ourselves while others internalize the anger that they hold from their childhood upbringing. Both ways of behaving are unhealthy in the long run.

When you grow up in a family that struggles with addiction and exhibits dysfunctional behavior, we learn the same unhealthy behaviors. Addiction is multi-generational because it affects everyone in the family.

How do we deal with anger in a healthy way? And how do we stop using criticism to protect ourselves and knock others down?

One way is to first admit our unhealthy behaviors and another useful skill is to identify what we need. Embracing who we are and sharing what we need by making a true connection with others. 

To help us get to that place of being able to be vulnerable and trust others, researchers have found that those who practice gratitude are happier and feel more content. 

Read the "Giving thanks can make you happier" article on Havard.edu or check out my new book 30 Days of Gratitude: A Daily Guide for Adult Children of Alcoholics. I have specifically crafted a full month's worth of gratitude prompts to help us focus on being grateful on our journey to overcoming our childhood past.

We can find happiness, peace, and love. But first, we need to find those things within ourselves.

Thank you for listening.

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