Let Go and Be Free Podcast: Episode 63 (Let's Review the Laundry List Items 10-11)

In this week's episode, we're going to discuss items 10 & 11 of the Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families Service Organization’s Laundry List.

When going through the laundry list items, there will be times when you won't necessarily identify with them, but there's still a lot to be learned.

Having tools at the ready to help you, is essential is laying the groundwork to setting up a health environment.

Often we grew up in families where this was instability, fighting, yelling, and worse.

In the present, we have the choice to learn how to handle our problems and process our emotions in a healthy way (hint: repression or over-expression aren't helpful either).

So, let's sit back and listen together on what we can learn from these two laundry list items.

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