Let Go and Be Free Podcast: Episode 110 (Make Healthy Choices Each Day)

Each day we have a choice. We can choose a path of healthy behaviors or choose dysfunctional ones.

How do we learn what's good for us and how do we make healthy choices each day?

  • Understand your physiology: Your "Lizard Brain."

    • Read the "Don't Listen to Your Lizard Brain" article in Psyhcology Today.

    • From the article: The reptilian part of your brain controls "primitive drives related to thirst, hunger, sexuality, and territoriality, as well as habits and procedural memory."

    • Be sure to take care of your body (eat, sleep, drink water, rest).

  • Remember your biology. When afraid or angry, hormones are released into your bloodstream. These hormones can stick around for around 45 minutes if you're angry and that's why it's important to understand your physiology. How to be aware of your anger before it gets out of control:

    • Meditation

    • Take a break

    • Deep breathing

  • Center yourself. You need a touchstone that you can trust to help you decide what is healthy and what isn't.

    • Is this true?

    • Is this healthy for me?

    • Strengthen your "adult" voice: "Parent, Child, Adult" voice.

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