Ahab's Daughter

Free Fiction: A Sister's Cry (Short Story Prequel to Ahab's Daughter: The Werewhale Saga)

Free Fiction: A Sister's Cry (Short Story Prequel to Ahab's Daughter: The Werewhale Saga)

Get ready for something different! My book Ahab's Daughter: The Werewhale Saga is available now on pre-order (launching September 12) and I wanted to share with you a story that's a prequel to the novel. You'll get some free fiction and it'll also give you a taste of what Ahab's Daughter is about. I hope you enjoy!

The Secret to a Happy Life Is...

The Secret to a Happy Life Is...

What Is the Secret to Living a Happy Life?

It's easier than you think. Go up to a full-length mirror, look at your reflection, give yourself a hug and say, "I love myself." And mean it.

It's that last part that's the tricky part.